I loved food before I found Sileny's food blog, and her posts on F*S and Sileny and Tazzy's posts on BACONPIZZA are always so adorable and lead me to great great treasures :) THANKS sileny for all your posts, and inviting me to post :DD

*mocorin* packet juice, 10L from vending machine, (
*mocorin* ROBOKUN mouth chewing gum (
CHABINNS mouth strawberry with whipped cream (
*mocorin* packet water, free from the Bill sim's free gfts bridge (
exact SRL to the water)

lollipop earrings, cupcake ring, lollipop bracelet and necklace, Violet Voltaire
glove nails with cherry, Candy Nail, 30L

*mocorin* toys, 10L each from vending machine (

Leg-pokky from Naeko, free
*mocorin* robokun bracelet and ring, group gift

NYA's strawberry seat! animated pose, perfect seat :)
Summer tote bag with champagne in it, from the Ear Candy pink beach ball in the Summer Lovin' hunt,
direct surl here (the beach ball contains necklaces and earrings and the tote bag is the last item in the beach ball, buy it for 1L)
MOUTH STRAWBERRY!!! OMG I love this. I was wearing it all day. Hasi pink beach ball, also in Summer Lovin' hunt (
direct surl to ball) 1L

On head and in mouth, Doux Petit Dahl's cupcake prizes from the lucky cupcake! Go yummy the cupcake and you will definitely get either one of these :) you can also IM me inworld if you want them, I have some extras! I'll also give you all the free food I have, some cupcakes and talkative chocolate haha
Mouth pokky, green, free from Naeko!

Flower hairpiece, group gift from *mocorin*, duck-beak chips from Chabinns, chip packets in arm from Chabinns (
HUGE lollipop from Koreshan bake sale
There's an adorable AND affordable shop called *mocorin* that I discovered while on the cicolatta hunt, they had VENDING MACHINES and of course I couldn't resist. I wish all vending machine items were transfer. grrr.
I was pretty lucky with this particular machine, and I got the two toys on my head and the juice packet :) I also got some cushions with 8 poses in them! 10L per play!
*mocorin* has amazing group gifts, the robokun chewing gum (first picture, 2nd head) was a group gift! So is the robokun bracelet, ring and the flower ornament in my hair (it's called candy!)
Next, my jewellery from Violet Voltaire and Shade Throne. The jewellery from Violet Voltaire is very not free, but LOOK AT THE AMAZING CUPCAKES. Are these not the most amazing cupcakes/pretty food jewellery you have ever seen in SL?!?! LOOK AT THAT CUPCAKE RING!!!!!
I gifted the cupcake set to Sileny(I didn't know her at that time, but I loved her blog and it was blogger's appreciation week lol), and I was soooo not gonna get it for myself, but I kept thinking about it for 2 days. so I had to have it, and it's seriously incredible. The set I'm wearing is the lollipop set, and the cupcake ring is from the cupcake set. Bracelets are in the same sets.
My nails are gorgeous "Snow White" glove nails from Candy Nail and there is a cherry on the middle finger. 30L! shamelessly copied from Abra of Better Imagined!
From Chabinns come the duck-beak-chips haha and the mouth strawberry :D and the armful of potato chips!!! adorable!
Nya just made a whipped cream sitting-pose set, including the strawberry seat (FAVORITE SEAT in my garden) for 150L, worth checking out and seeing her awesome jewellery!
Mouth pokky and leg pokky are freebies from Naeko :)
Doux Petit Dahl was the first place I ever found food, and I LOVED the cupcake prizes that Dahliajames Gossipgirl put in her lucky cupcake. It's really worthwhile to have her mainstore in your picks, because she has an MM board, a picks prize(outfit), lucky board, and nomming the cupcake daily and persistently will give you a good chance at winning the prize and MORE cupcakes :D She also has a toast necklace!
The huge lollipop with licking animation was from the Koreshan bake sale, idk if it's still available but I know the sale is over!
have a very strawberry week :D
love, silver